How Parents Can Alleviate Stress During the Admissions Season

December 26th, 2016|

It is very difficult watching your child feel stress, especially when you are feeling the same way. This is what I commonly hear from the parents I counsel during the admission process. So, how do we help our children and ourselves during this oftentimes anxiety-filled time?  Here is my advice on how to demystify [...]

What Parents Should Know About Standardized Tests

November 17th, 2016|

One of the great myths out there is that students who know the material taught in class will be prepared for standardized tests. But  the reality is that except for a few naturally great test takers, knowing only the academic material is going in half-prepared.   One concept we try to instill in our students is that [...]

Tips for Having a Great Admissions Interview

November 12th, 2016|

During the admissions process, parents and student applicants will be asked to participate in an interview. This might be with someone from the admissions office, a teacher, or even a student if you're applying to secondary school.  It's natural for parents and students to feel somewhat anxious about this step in the admissions process.  Don't let that [...]